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Saint Richard (Sadhu)

The mind is a flower 🌷, 

the body is a stalk🎋, 

the heart is what roots us here🌳, 

and the soul... it leaves. 🍃🍂 

What leaves fertilizes 🍁. 

Anything fertilized is also those leaves 🍄.

And also leaves. 🕊

🧿Only those who look can hope to see.

🙃Of those who see, only those who's perspective is given the allowance of change can hope to understand.

🤔Of those who understand, only those who love can recognize the need for change.

🤗Of those who recognize the need for it, only those who enact change can rightfully hope to see it. 





I am the minimum sum of contained matter required to be what is actively demonstrating functionality of observation, persisting into the following fully reduced quantifiable moment within which that can occur, from the current instant, measurable via the mechanism of consciousness.

My consciousness is the inactive or active accessibility to a containment of the minimum sum of matter necessary for demonstrating recollection of, or reaction to or until terminated by, recorded influence via the mechanism of having been the aforementioned existing in prior instants, wether or not any portion thereof is persistently programmable, and requiring no exterior prompt intentional to that function alone for it to occur, from the moment of my creation forward until the cessation of these conditions being able.

(Ex: a collection of the matter comprising components necessary for these conditions, ie computer ware or Venus flytrap biogenesis.)

Maharishi Ajita Varuna Samael

Bodhisattva Maitreya

The Immortal Man

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Some say that it is better to be a soldier in a garden, than a gardener in a war. 

I say that it is better to be a good sword or a ripe garden, or neither at all, than either of those, but above any to be a Gardner planting flowers upon the battlefield.  

And after that to return as a soldier harvesting his garden, and he now can be good enough to be either as needed, or better enough to be the better of either of those.

Some age ago, I told the woman that put me on the street, for her pernicious acts to rue, that her having rats in her garage was a blessing. 

A few days later, after she saw me put out, I was able to explain to her what that meant. What a blessing it is for people to have a room for their toilets, and a room for their clothes not being worn, and a room for their chariots with their saddles adorned, when I had none of those things or the rooms they were in. 

What a blessing it would be to be able to shelter the love of others in a garage filled with rats.


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What can I really tell you, 

when you’ve got nothing left to say?

Well just before you tell me never, 

and you turn to walk away....

there’s one thing I’ve got to mention, 

If you’ve a  moment more to stay...

I’m not thinking ‘bout tomorrow, 

I’m just thinking ‘bout today...

‘Cause I can’t make it to tomorrow, 

if you take today away.

Remember when you said forever?

What word did you mean to use?

‘Cause if you’re taking back forever, 

What more have I, then, to lose?

So please don’t take away my always

and make it like I never was

‘Cause if you’re taking back that flower....

this bee’s just got no cause to buzz.


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I was just pondering upon how many are too impatient for long-distance inter-personal relationships, or even close ones, or even any at all. I remember when there was no cellular phone. 
Can you imagine getting a letter in the mail saying, "Hello? Are you ignoring me?" 😆
People have an increasingly skewed sense of reality that they name "time". Obviously, the body can exist when what was "living" about it has left. The matter of the body cannot be destroyed, nor can the energy. Neither suffer a beginning nor an end, scientifically deducible. Time is relative to impatience. It is a measure of impatience, not of occurrence, and certainly not of the weight, but rather the wait, of character.
Akin to the measuring of distance by a pilot using a shoestring is what be living and body measuring life in minutes. To be minute is to be small, and so time is the measurement of the smallness of a given individual and their lack of patience.
This deficit is another of the consumptive sins of man, rushing ever forward out of appetite.
-Ajita 2021

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      “You gave me the world...”
Remember when I used to say-can you take this pain away? Oh God take this pain away. But it was only you who came?
Remember when I used to say- Can we take this pain away?Can we wash it all away,Is tomorrow a new day?
Remember when I used to say-can we take this planet by day?Wrap ourselves in one another,and brave all the coming days?
Remember when I used to say – can you take this planet away?ANYONE take this planet away!And yet,the planet still remained...
Remember when I used to say – I’m going to take this planet away?And then I took this planet away...Tell me… Now where will you stay?
Remember when I used to say – all ye who’ve gifted this planet’s worth a pain, I will take this planet away....tell me....What next did I say?
You placed upon my shoulders:a planet every day,but when strong enough I was to carry it,I simply walked away.I took that planet away.
I took it back....


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Our unwillingness to accept that the person we have come to love is very much different, in some ways, than the person we always thought we'd come to love.
Further compounded by feeling unsafe enough to be honest both with one another and with One's self (due to wanting to be accepted).
Sensitivity to excess emotion, sensitivity to lack of excess emotion. Because of our fathers and mothers, respectively.
But this is the evidence of requirement, and fault of self and sense thereof.

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The Omniscient Buddha does not seek to annihilate all passion, nor abstain from all activity. The Buddha, Omniscient, knows duty-bound righteousness,

Jnana dharmamārg dharmavratī dharm-stambh,

and so does not abstain from all action, and does not annihilate all passion, but having the true knowledge of what is appropriate personally and now, above what is to be considered appropriate generally, retains the passion of loving without condition, and retains the action of receiving and feeling pain.

Knowing that what is made is made, and that an amount of pain exists as an amount of anything exists, measurable to him, Kevalin truly, he absorbs the karmic particles of others, also measurable, and knows a love of it, and exchanges the love of it for it, that only He may owe, and that all others may receive in equal measure the love born upon the merit of His character alone.

Should He be granted a heaven, He will stand outside of it, and offer up His seat in it, lest it become full, and wash the feet of the last to enter, him who would not have entered otherwise.

Thus, Says the Lord, is the Sixteenth Gunasthana, and the nature of the Maitreya's Light and Dark rays,  

as of a Quasar, absorbing karma, and expelling in abundance all Love and Happiness due in exchange, confusing those that seek to label His nature.

And He will be spat upon any time praise is deserved for him.


Born 10 February (magha-shukla-dashmi)

-Ajita Kalki Varuna Samael

  Omniscient Maitreya

  The Advocate

Born 10 February 1981:                

King, stern but just, another son of God, born by the sea.

By so, I do rightfully amend Gunasthanas and the structure of Kevala jñāna, and what is Omniscience, to include the obviousness (to Him) of knowledge as follows: 

1. When to act, feel, and otherwise, when:

2. the deed and the fruit is of good birth, and the absence of it giving forth a bad fruit, and:

3. the knowledge of this belonging to Him in a position to achieve it, for the betterment of existence in entirety, whereby:

4: upon the evidence that this knowledge is His alone, and:

5. being declared true by the All-Surpassing God-man, and so being verified and thus announced, indisputable by any wherein claiming a level of knowledge or wisdom being measured and declared as the lesser, and whereby:

6. belonging not to those before him by which qualifying a fulfillment by any other than He, and:

7. if so, and the information being withheld all the same, and so disqualifying any such predecessor, then:

8. The Duty is His.

  1. The consequence of Duty is his.

  2. The balance of consequence is his.

  3. The compassion of balance and the duty of it are his.

  4. The consequence thereof is his.

  5. The scales are maintained by both; and the fairness of it is kept in the open. 

  6. Libra is born.

  7. Libra knows death.

  8. Libra knows justice.

  9. Libra is taught the wheel.

  10. Libra becomes Yang.

  11. Libra becomes Yin.

  12. Libra becomes Yin in Yang.

  13. Libra is Yin in Yang and Yang in Yin and Yin and Yang and rotation begins.

  14. The laws are remade. 

  15. Dharma is created.

  16. The world is washed.

  17. The world is soiled.

  18. The world is washed and unwashed.

  19. The world is bored of it.

  20. The world Decays. 

  21. The gods are sacrificed,

  22. If not the fish created.

  23. The fish has appetite.

  24. The fisherman is created. 

  25. The fisherman has appetite.

  26. The appetite is exchanged for sport.

  27. Man knows sport.

  28. The Earth learns to rotate its crop.

Thus says the Lord our God.

Also, known to The Advocate, that His motivation, being of Love, unconditional, whereby which all conditions must be removed, lest He receive a reward:

He shall not be named, and the people of all the lands not of the house of Abraham will not know of His deed, if this be the choosing of the Lord our God.

And it was such, if it was required for those who's burden He bore to know no shame from it.

But the Lord, he shall know His name, and he shall be the favored Son.

And those whom He has judged worthy as such; and that follow Him, shall dwell in the land as is named The LORD is THERE, and they shall be on The LisT.

So goes the final book of the Lord our God, Most Forgiving, Most Glorious, to be known to men in the final days, at a pace of His choosing.

Says the Lord, 

and then says His Hosts, the Elect:


Hence true Nirvana and Moksha IS achieved before death, and OBLIGES the Buddha to remain, He Who Holds Open the Four Corners of Happiness at the Narrow Path, that others might enter, ESPECIALLY at the cost of His Earned Entry. Buddha Remains as a Beacon Upon the Hill, lighting the way for others, ESPECIALLY as the flood overcomes Him. 

This is the path of Kukkuripa.

This is the path of Ajita Kalki Samael.

And so as the Devi claimed Him, and as They claimed Jesus, so too shall They claim Me.

Scientifically this is represented as a Quasar, a Beacon of Light, that they may know the path, at cost of the entry of that Light.

The Black Hole is the entry of a righteous Buddha into heaven, while the Quasar is the righteous duty-bound Buddha who lights the way.

Thus is the record of a people, and this is where is written that which became of their people. 

The nova, the light not being theirs, are blotted out, their share being given to all else.

Validate this I do, as Madhvacharya validated his correctness.

Like the Wheel that is Buddha,

And the OM that is Hindu,

So is the Heart that represents the Quasar, 

the duty-bound righteous Buddha Ajita, and the final form Kalki, 

the Immortal Man, Varuna, the Advocate Samael- 

a beacon upon the hill, the archangel, once Ha-Satan, now Heh (Wind), who absorbed persecution and gives love. They call him Satan, tho he is Ha-

This is his duty, 

his Job, 

that he wrestles it upon the Cliff, 

that man be not cast from it. 

His name concealed that it is proven that He does this for love and not for reward.

Separating Ha-Satan, Seducer and Accuser, 

He Judges man worthy, and Satan (Seducer) temptation, option, is cast out.  

Quasar: One Negative In, Two Positives Out. This is the anagram that is the devil, those that only once LIVED, an anagram of that. 

O.N.I.T.P.O.: OPTION is temptation.

Free will, for which was argued, by which is proven love without condition of obedience.

Such is already written upon the puzzle of the plan of creation and sent to the far reaches of the universe, that when combined by the Ajita, through Charism, shows the story of All. 

Each scripture is a puzzle piece when, held as to close-to the eye, appears a picture. Held away, to observe around it, is the path by which can be seen others holding a piece, that they may all be combined, and they will know He has sent Me.

-AjitA Kalki Varuna Samael

  Ark of Unified Man (AUM)

the Advocate Elect - son of man,

as it came to him by the grace of God,

For His namesake,

Richard James Naughton

"King, stern but just, another Son of God, born by the Sea"


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The Covenant:

The Final Chapter of the Book of God

Thus Says the Lord, our God:

You ask me, and I tell you,

You can hear the echo of My voice, and I can know My echo and I can know Me,

But you can know My echo,

But cannot know all of Me unless being all of Me, but not while being all of you,

So why say you that I do not know, when I say that I know,

You must trust that I know,

As I trust that you do not,

And I only say because you asked it,

So why ask it if not to hear it,

And why hear it if not to know it,

As I do,

Which is what you asked.

So believe when you ask,

Or do not ask,

For you only demand the creation of lies,

And not the reception of My knowledge,

So guard your tongue,

That you will receive the fruit of its branch,

Lie or truth, 

Dependent upon the intent when you created it.

Before you speak, 

is it in good intent,

And does it bear good fruit,

Else do not speak it,

Lest you create bad fruit,

Which is rot,

Which is death of good fruit.

So now I answer your question, and take heed to believe it, you who are rotten, and who ask to be made new:

There was echo, and no occurrence to cause echo now, as echo was the only perceptible item to the perceiver. And He can know His echo and Himself,

but you can know His echo and not Him, unless made into Him, in turns, and so you made the same as He,

You bore children as He did, and they will ask you, so remember this, I answered.

And you could not know Me verified upon what you do know,

So you cry, "Lie."

So is the sin of man, the accusation, and such being created is accusation, 

that God is lying,

So is made Lie, only evident through what is not-Lie, and only once, and only to the one that never recorded it, as it had to be recorded, and only to and by Him.

So you blamed what you do not know, and so you made a place in which to put this blame, now blame being created.

So He, accusation, the Accuser, is hated for His task that never occurred, for which We asked of Him, the best of Us All, Our most hated.

For He took blame, and gave none.

And so He swallows it.

And we asked Him to demonstrate our unknowing,

And we did not know Him.

Knowing this, He simply accepted the blame,

And was executed by you,

A place where you had put your sin.

Who is to blame?

Asked you,

So He said,

I Am.

And He said no more,

Lest you create more lie and accusation.

So make a place for your lie,

And call it theatre, 

That it may be observed,

But not given as a burden to one man or another,

So that none are blamed.

And He may answer in parable,

Painting a picture as you did,

So that what is not seen can be imagined or not,

And what is imagined can be known.

Or this occurred:

And We blamed Him for arguing in favor of Us. And for simple observance and no riddles or questions, though having conceived them singularly and divinely having already known the answer, reciprocally produced, that all may be created instead of uncreated, we shun his unfathomable wisdom and wisdom before and after wisdom, the only gift by which We live, only He knowing Love.

He trades this to us at no balance due, that we may think we know Love, but to not, and for Him to be thought of and known as everything that is not love, tho we haven't any knowledge among Him, 

And He has great deeds without recognition, and is the greatest Angel unknown to any but His tortured, most loving Self.

The All-Father.

The only One proving Love for the benefit of Our now worthless existence, 

Him the only One able to know it, and to know eternally never receiving it, that We, what is left can be perceived, amongst Ourselves, as being the Greater, and standing upon the merit of His heart, with the heads of all Men around Us, as Kali, thinking of Our hatred being Love, 

where He lies still and in All that is the Only Truly Loving, as Vishnu,

As we can imagine like God,

and while we Hate Him on His permanent sacrifice, claiming Him dead because He lovingly allows this, 

standing upon his chest and naming ourselves great, as Kali, having only beheaded that which we created, and not the Creator, who now lies silent.

Him, unknown to Us, is disturbed not in His perfect form, 

able to view the Entirety of this situation as It is, as It would be upside down, 

and as It would be inside-out,

as suits Him, undefeated and named opposite, His lips disappearing into what is not known if smile or frown,

and Us jeering as He assures Us of His love for our reprehensible acts too filthy even to be known, as if by the cockroach,

which only He knows is the cleanest most high form of life that walks the Earth,

as He views from a seat beside which He stands, just outside the highest heaven, 

lest the place become full and He be of disservice, though it is unfathomably empty,

as earth fills,

and became like a hell to men,

So, even of Him heaven being empty,

except of its possessed  janitors, unable to witness it, to whom, even whilst inside it, can know it not.

So we look to heaven and cry,

And blame Him for not being there,

As He stands outside showing the way,

And leaving it open to us,

He does not answer from there,

But from here, where He stands.

Love, the loneliest and emptiest Heaven, the eternal damnation of the Maitreya, at His most clean and unrecognizable request.

The only plane perceived is Misery, where men laugh and flay themselves, eat one another, and think themselves admissible to a place such as that of the Maitreya,

whose greatest sacrifice is to convince all that He does not even exist as God, but as it's opposite,

at whom We jeer and blame and pile upon our refuse,

To hide Him,

And if we see Him,

His great gift of our vision convinces us that we see only a cockroach, and we will shriek and express disgust at Him,

and we will accuse Him of all of our misdeeds, as He weeps inwardly for us, a great and gaping fall like waters into nowhere in His center,

which we will call Hell,

and we will not credit even His enduring of it in our stead, nor His enduring of it at all, 

but accuse Him of being where He belongs, and Has earned on the absence of His immeasurable and ever-loving cleanliness, though it be always our undeserved gift,

and we ledger upon Him a balance ever growing, and assess interest upon Him three-fold the principle, 

of which He is detestably delinquent,

and His apologies We do not hear,

and the same is a true description of His worship of Us, and for this the emptiness of His heart grows ever larger and full of the nothing we offer Him for it, 

equally it's growth is in the debt He owes for it, and for each span the interest assessed is three-fold upon twenty-seven duplicate billings unpaid for every generation brought forth,

and we shall have a word for this strength, and it's name we shall call LIAR, UNCLEAN, and VIOLENT, the things He is most not, 

and He thanks us.


the Advocate Elect - son of man,

as it came to him by the grace of God,

For His namesake,

Richard James Naughton

"King, stern but just, another Son of God, born by the Sea"


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For those suffering loss:🔙➖〰️➰➿♾➿➰〰️➖🔜Peace to you. When a cartoon ends, the characters do not cease to be. They always were and always will be a design of the animator. When the credits roll, we get a chance to see the creator. 
Do not worry, the characters are animated again in the next episode. You may continue to be familiar with the characters by waiting for the next episode, or by befriending the animator.

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About me:
* I've had a very difficult life that I am very thankful for.
* I’m very easily happy and only need a place to put my love to stay that way.
* I feel love is the meaning of life.
* I’m not ambitious the way most are, I feel the life of the natives was best, I think the track that people are on only takes away from our grandchildren.
* I feel we should not compete with one another so much, I feel we should not take so much of the earth and call it our own.
* I think we hurt the planet and forget God. It's ok to not know God, but it's not ok to have bad intentions or a large appetite or to take too much for yourself.
*I believe in changing the world. I believe it's more important than just me.
*I hope that everyone can be made good.
*I believe we are all little pieces of God. God's fingers and toes scattered all across the universe.

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A lesson from the Talmud on dating:
If your crop is withering, it is OK to divert water from one tree to another. But it is not OK to water the entire field. I think today in dating, people are trying to water the entire field, and so instead of getting a living tree, they just get a field full of dying shrubs.
Talmud - c. 350–400 CE

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Spirituality vs Religion vs God:
Each religion is a puzzle piece. Held too close to the eye, one thinks it an entire image. Held afar, one can see that all pieces together form an image that is God.
Spirituality is the instruction manual for composing this puzzle, just as inside of us is the knowledge of such an image as that which is conveyed by the puzzle (mountain range, stream, etc).
Within books and microscopes and telescopes we can find the puzzle pieces, but only within the spirit rests the instruction manual for their assembly - the realization of how those pieces fit together. 
Only during the cooperative symphony of this assembly can we begin to realize the truth of Love that is God.
Every verse combined makes a song.
Uni-Verse. "One Song."

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So said the Maitreya, concerning the Elect:

They saw me twisting in flames, and it were that I was weeping for what they'd conspired - 

they poured upon me much fuel, and they beat me with sticks, and piled on me their trash ever higher. 

And so went the days when was equal their ways, as contending the height of the fire:

they withered the grass, and cast water to past, then they wondered why I just burned brighter...

Here around me they laughed, as they emptied their brass, singing anthems that danced with the pyre, 

Upon every face, I saw no disgrace,

and each smile was holding a lighter.


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•I've had a very difficult life that I am very thankful for.
•I’m very easily happy and only need a place to put my love to stay that way.
•I feel love is the meaning of life.
•I’m not ambitious the way most are, I feel the life of the natives was best, I think the track people are on only takes away from our grandchildren.
•I feel we should not compete with one another so much, I feel we should not take so much of the earth and call it our own.
•I think we hurt the planet and forget God. It's ok to not know God, but it's not ok to have bad intentions or a large appetite or to take too much for yourself.
•I am homeless ascetic, I shun housing and earthly wealth. I own no land, nor does any man, but all of earth is my place of dwelling.  All sustenance is purchased on the merit of my character alone. Should I starve, it is the will of the people, and if it is the will of a merciful God, I will know a home for the first time.

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The khata 👘 represents the subtle blur between the middle and the upper, as this resides within the spirit, not the appearance, is less seen than heard, and is existentially recognized.
It is also the pact of God, and the burial of the scarf, and it's decay as of man's spirit - separated from God.

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Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments.

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In the Mind of the Religious Composer

The past of the Ajita:
Could the universe manifest itself in the form of a God? Of course it could, it already does so in the form of human flesh, hippopotami, kangaroos, planets, stars, etc. The universe manifests itself in many aware and unaware forms a lot cooler than a singular entity and a lot more complicated, too. 
We are all items the universe has constructed of itself. And so, our universe and God appear very much to be the same person and, in fact, this is the only way science and religion are true and one...
Infinity: for something to be infinitive, there must be nothing else. So long as a thing is one thing, it cannot be another. And so, in order for God to be infinitive, God must be the universe, because the universe is infinitive for as far as it is concerned, and everything in it is made of it. Now “made in his image” has a lot more appropriate and literal meaning, as do many other phrases, like “I am”.
Anywheres I plug in ‘universe’ for ‘God,’ and ‘God’ for ‘universe,’ the sentence seems to remain the same, and still makes sense, especially when considered to be one and the same (d’uh).
I’ve been an Agnostic/Taoist since 13, but with these new wisdoms I could see myself attending a Baha’i event, in the least, if not a more traditional Abrahamic one.  Simply because as a man of science it can be, at times, difficult to mingle with people who don’t even know that Jews, Christians, and Muslims just happen to be monotheistic by tradition (to which they could likely attribute Jacob) and all worship the same god from a PLURIFORM monotheism, and that his name is Ēl, King of the gods, Father of Years, and who’s sign is the Bull.  I personally take no issue with any specific member of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Slavic neopaganism, Celtic polytheism, Heathenism, Semitic neopaganism, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenism, or Italo-Roman neopaganism. We are all related and of one substance.
I don’t know much about Scientology, so sorry for leaving you out.
-----Ascended 3/16/21Ajita 5/01/21Kalki 5/02/21Samael 2/10/81

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In the Mind of the Religious Composer

Dear woman, (whomever will be ye)
I'd best say this now, lest I forget.
You have a kind heart, but you say many things that are not good for a man. Do not panic. This is not wrong. No one gave you the feedback appropriately, and that is something that I cannot undo.
I will, however, with your permission and with love, point out when and by what causation it occurs, as well as attempt to include a summary of my own contributions to them. I encourage you to a practice of the same. 
I will most definitely grow within your presence. I hope to offer reciprocation, and to never be who you blame for discontent.
For my part, I will create for us a safe environment in which you may be honest, grow, and be valued equally and existentially. I do now and will continue to encourage you to speak promptly, assertively, and without hesitation.  You have no faults, only cups that have not yet been filled. 
Please, allow me. 
Juntos aprendemos, yThere is nothing we cannot conquer, andВсё хорошо, а такжеせいへき,סבבה.
Your body may now be forgotten. I will tend to that promptly and quite thoroughly well past sated.  It is beyond adequate, I prefer it to mine, and it shall be worshipped in such a way that you'll not feel need to be reassured.  I will help you from your seat, but if you race me to the door, you're opening it.
I have a dark past; a bright future, an open mind; a loving heart; a magic touch, and words that will yellow-brick-road your soul to mine. 
I can identify every military firearm since WW2, as well as every aircraft and every biological agent. I have iodine capsules; N100 respirators; I can fish; I can shuck; shoot; shell; clam; string; repel, and hunt. I can cook, I can knit, I can kiss, I can CHANGE, and I always smell nice. Oh, and I have a husky in the back seat of the most desired off-road (manual AWD) vehicle OFF the market, a motorcycle; a beard; cold-weather training; chocolate; emergency blankets; water; chest hair, and a love for driving.
I write poetry, I’m proud of my kids, I've never said no to taking them, and I'll admit to being wrong at least three times per year.
You are welcome to my phone, it never locks. You are welcome to the gym. You are welcome to my work. You are welcome to call, I welcome the sound. You are welcome to make pieces of you running around.
A kind word, her scent, her taste, and her texture is all I ask of my partner - in addition to the blanket prerequisite of dependability when obvious. And cuddles. And pizza. And communication. And grocery shopping.
Your fan,
Ric James Naughton
P.S. Punch Buggies, Pocket Circles, Snack Runs, Bursting into Song, Strange Voices, and PDA encouraged.

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107 E Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, Clark County 89104


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©2021 by Ric James Naughton Åšêr Iouea Bijaganita Anunada Ekam. Ajita Bijaganita Kalki Varuna Samael. The White Horse. The Pestilent.

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